Friday 29 January 2010

Mount Rushmore

Have you ever been in that situation where you cant help yourself..........

Sunday 24 January 2010

William Shakespeare...decisions,decisions

"ALAS..poor Jan....Albert...Fred...Eric...Tony.. ahhhhhhhYORICK......thats the one...

Friday 22 January 2010

First commission of 2010

Last year I did a cartoon for a friend of mine Billy and his partner Sharon (blog 13 Sept 09 )and he was so pleased with it that he asked me to do one of his son to give to him as a present. His son Lee was badly injured in a road accident 11years ago and is paralised from the neck down...But he lives his life to the full and is a great bloke...hope he like's it !!!!

Thursday 21 January 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Albert Einstein WIP

I did a drawing of Einstein last year in black and white.Recently decided to try it again in colour....this is the current stage....

Thursday 14 January 2010

More artrage

every home should haveone !!!!

Monday 11 January 2010


I've just bought the new ArtRage 3 program and decided to have a play with some of the things on it. It is a very reasonably priced programme with lots of features...oil paint , watercolour everything and anything...

Saturday 9 January 2010

Ludwig van Beethoven

It is said that people assumed that Beethoven was deaf because when they spoke to him he never answered.....but we Know differently...dont we !!!!!

Friday 8 January 2010

Vincent Van Gogh

An extremely talented artist...but sometimes he didn't think his actions through !!

The Laughing Cavalier

I dont know what was making him you?

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Anne Boleyn

When Henry 8th suggested to his wife Anne Boleyn that she would look lovely with a tatoo....this isn't what she would have chosen....!!

Leonardo da vinci

Here is the third in the series....the man resposible for the Mona Lisa and The Da Vinci Code !!!!!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Henry 8th

Most men are happy with one wife.....aren't they !!!!

Monday 4 January 2010

Famous portraits !!!

I tried my hand at caricature last year without great success but I had an idea that it would be fun to draw/copy famous portraits in a cartoony fashion and add some little extras...this is the first...MONA LISA..can you spot the little extras??
hope you like it...more to follow

Sunday 3 January 2010


Just had confirmation of my first commission for 2010..lets hope this is only the beginning !!!

Weekly cartoon comp

I've had nearly 2 weeks to do this .....and only did it less than an hour before the closing time for entries.....hence the not too good drawing..!!!!

First Post

Well it's the first day of the new year and to celebrate I've done a new blog header...hope you like it....